Green Plants for Same Day Delivery FAQ
Can I do return and exchange/refund for purchased green plants from online?
We only allow return and exchange/refund on delivered plants that are damaged due to delivery on the same day that your plant is delivered. We will send you a picture of your green plant before and after packing to make sure that we will be sending you a healthy and happy plant.
My plant is damaged upon arrival of delivery, what do I do to file a return and exchange/refund?
Please send us an email on the email thread you have with thespecialist@muji.com.ph or you may send us a message through our website (https://www.mujiph.com/) immediately or within 24 hours that the plant was delivered to you and send us a picture of the current state of what you have received.
Do you have instructions on how to take care of the green plants that I want to purchase?
Kindly see more below to know more about how to take care of your purchased plant. You may also send in your plant inquiries to our website (https://www.mujiph.com/) and we will reply as soon as we can regarding your purchased plant.
I want to know more about a certain plant before ordering, how to I go about this?
You may send in your plant inquiries to our website (https://www.mujiph.com/) and we will reply as soon as we can regarding your purchased plant or you may click this link to view our available green plants.
I am looking for a certain plant that you do not carry, is there a way you can carry and sell it?
Yes, we are considering selling more green plants variety. Please let us know which plants you want us to carry and sell and we’ll do our best to source it for you. Please send us a message via our website (https://www.mujiph.com/). Kindly take note that this kind of request takes time and will not be available right away.
Do you deliver plants nationwide?
As of the moment, we can only deliver within Metro Manila via our same day delivery service. Please stay tuned for a possible nationwide delivery soon.
Here are some simple suggestions and tips to care and keep your plants healthy and happy. There are plenty of ways to care for your plant so best to observe them regularly and see what works best for each kind of plant.
1. Find A Good Source of Light
Every plant has different light needs. Make sure to not underexpose or overexpose your plant by moving and experimenting on your plant placement to test where it thrives. The majority of plants need a min. Of 12 hrs. Daylight for active growth.
2. Be Mindful when Watering
Water the plant when it needs to be watered. Always check your plant’s soil moisture before watering and avoid watering your plants if the soil is still moist. Best to water your plants evenly and avoid watering the leaves.
3. Raise Humidity Levels when Needed
Raise humidity levels by misting regularly .For indoor plants, we recommend MUJI’s humidifier as it helps provide good humidity that your plants need. Lastly, you may also create a humidity tray by using a saucer with small pebbles or polished stones. Add water in the saucer with the stones/pebbles and place the plant on top.
4. Nutrients
To support the growth of your plant, you have the option to feed it with a balanced fertilizer.
5. Proper Maintenance
Regularly remove or trim any dead or dying leaves/branches to allow fresh new growth to arrive in its place. Keep the leaves dust free by gently using a damp cloth so the plant can take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen.